
Sonntag, 2. Januar 2011

A scarf made of love.

A few days ago I stumbled on Kim Barbie's fashionblog and discovered this awesome scarf in some of her entries. It's fucking gorgeous! I adore the colour and the bi-patterned desgin *___* Definitely a hot piece. The length is cool as well and I guess you have tons of possibilities to combine this accessory perfectly. Just a few hours ago Kim Barbie announced it to become a giveaway. There was no time for hesitation - I just had to participate. Just for the sake of this simply wonderful scarf. Usually I always have bad luck, when it comes to competitions but I really hope that fortune will be on my side... only once ❤    

Vor ein paar Tagen bin ich über Kim Barbie's Fashionblog gestolpert und habe diesen wirklich wunderschönen Schal in einigen ihrer Einträge gefunden. Omg, der ist soo klasse! Ich liebe die Farbe dermaßen und die unterschiedlichen Muster im Design *___* Definitiv ein echt heißes Stück! Die Länge gefällt mir auch total gut und ich wette, dass man mit diesem tollen Teil einfach Tausende von Kombinationsmöglichkeiten haben muss. Und nun, vor einigen Stunden, schrieb Kim Barbie, dass es sich hierbei um ein Giveaway handelt. Ich dachte, mir fallen die Augen aus xD Keine Zeit zum zögern - ich musste einfach mitmachen. Einfach für diesen allerliebsten Schal. Normalerweise habe ich bei Gewinnspielen immer Pech, aber ich hoffe, dass das Schicksal dieses Mal auf meiner Seite ist ... nur dieses eine Mal ❤

A little bit of a new year.

 Hi everybody :3

New Year started great despite the stressful days beforehand. I was able to celebrate with lots of wonderful people (sadly not all of my friends) but it was an outstanding eve nevertheless. Being together was so much fun. We ate, we drank, played games i.e. SingStar, etc. and couldn't stop laughing. I enjoyed the time pretty much. Best memories: drinking game "Frau Horst", parlour game "Tabu", Melike singing, New Year's fireworks <3

Took some photos (sadly not of the evenig itself), but I wanted you to see some of my impressions =)
 Icicles above my window. Quite scary, right? xD

 This colour is currently my favourite ! *___* (By the way: KIKO has an incredible colour range - try it! I think I'm going to introduce some of the nail polish I own of KIKO, their stuff's really, really great.)

A necklace Lisa gave to me <3 It's gorgeous!

 Another necklace from Lisa:3 I wore both of them yesterday. I forgot to take a photograph of my outfit for New Year. But I want to make up for that :3 My sweater was made of love >D Thanks, Mom! 

I bought that ring on a small fair of vintage designers. Luv it!

A dragonfly hair pin I bought a few years ago. It's so pretty, unfortunately I don't wear it often. Have to change that.
